To my dearest friend,
Tired on your life, tired on your love, tired on your fate but don’t be tired on your friendship. Bcuz it’s the boon which makes u relax when u are tired of the remaining three. Friends never make u lost in the world. In fact they are the one who brings u back to the world from a lost state. Friends never let u alone. They are the one who can give you the happiness u ever got in ur life. The feel of friendship is really great. It can never be explained, it can just be felt. Never compare ur frndship with other things tht betrayed. Frndship has the power to console u, to understand u, to make u explore in every field, to make u laugh, to give u a lot of happiness but it doesn’t hav power to betray u, to leave u alone,to make u feel lost in the world. Whenever u feel distress, whenever u feel alone, whenever u feel lost in the world just think about the feel of frndship, sense the presence of ur dearest frnds beside u,remember the happiest moments when u were with ur frnds, u will feel relaxed, thoda sa aaram milega n thoda sa hope aayega. With that small hope, with tht little bit of console, u can win the world. In ur life, at every success or failure, remember one thing whether u are distressed or happy, betrayed or satisfied,deveived or succeeded u just turn back den u can see ur frnds standing long distance from u, stretching their hands and requesting u to feel them. Further allowing u to get consoled by resting on their shoulders.
That is the thing what is called as “FRIENDSHIP”.
From your loved one.
to tell u frankly this was writtn by afshana for me..
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