Sunday, May 17, 2009

waitin for u....

Deep in my heart I've made a Palace for u
I wanna live for u n die for u
I don't dare to take my breath without your love essence in it
Be mine forever
I wanna be your shadow and walk with u to cross the hurdles &shakles of life
My life was a desert, it got life from you
You are the only source of light to my darkness
I can't imagine a second without your presence
My eyes search for you & I wanna be eith u till the end of my life
When I was completle ruined you reinforced me
I tried to woo you but you left me waiting

aLL aLonE..!!!!!!

Why did you left me alone in this crowded World
where nobody is bothered about me
where nobody is ready to listen to me
where nobody wants to talk to me.......

Why did u left me alone in the walk of Life
u left me baffled to take decisions
I want to walk with u till my death.......

Why did u left me all alone
I can't imagine a second without u
I can't make a move without u
u are my soul, you are my breath............

You left me all alone...!!!!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

tiRed oF tHis lIfe...!!!!!

Tired of this life which never gives me anything
makes me always cry with a burden of sorrows
Dreamt of so many things but unable to achieve
This makes me wonder wheather God exists.......

Tired of the people who never undersatnd me
They make me feel lost in this World
They never try to understand my feeling for them
This makes me wonder wheather true friends exists.....

Tired on my Love who never cares for me
he wants to leave me alone in this hated World
Never look into my eyes to know how much I Love Him
This males me wonder wheather he would be there in my walk of life.....

Tired of my fate which always betray me
Never support me to stand ahead of all
This makes me wonder wheather I should survive or die..........

Tired of this world where everyone is unreal
Never try to be optimistic in Life
Always blame others for what they are
This makes me understand that no one is there who is born completly like me.......