Monday, November 24, 2008

Remember thiz...

Thiz shows the dedication of a software enginer....


Dreamz...wht are dreamz..??? dreams are the only way to picturize my thoughts and emotions....they let me know many things abt me and my dreams hold my hand n drive me towards my goal...every morning i wake up with new thought n new idea....i think until n unless we dream we cannot knw wht we want in life...i love to dream...i'm living to make my dreams true...i jus love my dreams....

Saturday, November 22, 2008

mY Hostel..

thiz is my hostel.. my hostel at jntu pulivendula...i learnt here how 2 adjust with the surroundings...the place with taught me how 2 mingle with people, how 2 talk with people of diff walks n traits.. its the place where i love 2 live... the ni8 celebrations of frmds b'day parties ...chit chatin at ni8... n at the same time workin hard in exm hostel is a cool place....

My fRnds....

My Sweeetttt frnds.... missin thm at hostel...we had a blast in our inter...we used 2 bunk our exmz.. n play gamez in our chemistry classes...chala chala enjoy chesevalam...enjoyd a lot.. i can nevr forget tose moments in my life...kuda kare hamri dosti salamat rahe...